New Beginnings Business Meeting

February 20, 2022 | 5:00 PM

Our Mission:  To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, equip believers to become leaders, and unite believers to serve our community by demonstrating compassion on our neighbors.


  1. Welcome and Prayer - Adam Collins, Elder Board Chairman

  2. Pastor’s Report and 2022 Outlook

  3. Action on Proposed Vision Statement: To see our community experience Jesus in real and relevant ways.

  4. Review of Financials (Jeff Robinson, Treasurer)

    1. 2021 Financials (Cash Statement and Budget vs. Actual)

  5. Business Items (Adam Collins)

    1. Approve 2022 Budget

    2. Action on Elder Board’s Recommendation for Elders

      1. Larry Joe Osborne

      2. Jeff Robinson

      3. Rodney Hampton

    3. Action on Elder Board’s Recommendations for Deacons

      1. Mike Adkins

      2. Adam Collins

      3. Brad Evans

    4. Re-Election of Church Officers:

      1. Pastor – Jared Arnett

      2. Treasurer – Jeff Robinson

      3. Clerk – Lorraine Layne

  6. Adjourn with Prayer