Stand Firm

Stand Firm

Paul tells us to be strong in the Lord, and at the same time tells us to stand firm. While we have the assurance of God's strength, we find we also have the responsibility to stand against the devil's schemes in our life. In this passage on the armor of God, Paul tells us the necessary steps to be prepared to stand firm in our daily battles🥊🥋.

The Struggle is Real

The Struggle is Real

We sometimes say #thestruggleisreal over small inconveniences in our life, but Paul shares here that life is a struggle against evil. Sometimes when we feel like we're being beat down, it's because we're confused about who the enemy is but Paul says we are called to be strong in the Lord, to take our stand against the devil, and that the Christian life is a battlefield. Join us as we look at his guidance on how to ensure that in the end, we're able to STAND.



Burnt out, frustrated, and just feeling stuck at work. We all feel it sometimes. Paul, in Ephesians 6:5-9, gives us the spiritual plan for getting unstuck. He reminds us of several things the devil uses to distract us from God's purpose for us. Join us, as we unite as a church to show up at work on Monday spirit-filled and with an eternal perspective!

Be Filled and Make Music

Be Filled and Make Music

In Zephaniah, it says God will rejoice over us with singing. In three different places in the new testament, Paul instructs local congregations to join together in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Here in Ephesians we find it's another expression of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore being filled by the spirit God's call to the church to Make Music.

Your Window of Opportunity

Your Window of Opportunity

We're all staring opportunity in the face and trying to decide what to do with it. Sometimes it's staring at us and we're blinded to it. Paul tells us here there's a sense of urgency in pursuing our purpose and using wisdom in how we invest one of our greatest resources. Find out what that resource and how to pursue God's purpose without fear.



Paul starts Ephesians 2 with a reality check: As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins...but because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ.

Nothing we did, and we can't appreciate the life we have in Christ until we truly understand life without him.