#blessed (Part 2 of 2) - Sermon on the Mount Series (3)
Bigger than Baseball - Adam Collins
Adam Collins sharing how God weaved faith and baseball together in his life. While he always aspired to be a great baseball player, he realized that his experiences were pointing to something bigger than baseball.
#blessed (Part 1 of 2) - Sermon on the Mount 2
Jesus is about to flip the script and show how citizens of the Kingdom of God are counter-cultural. He begins with a list of character traits that seem contradictory to what his disciples expected; yet each one comes with a promised reward. He shares a decisive list of 8 characteristics that describe those who have been made new in Him. This sermon covers the first four. #blessed
A Kingdom Upside Down - Sermon on the Mount (1 )
The first in a series working our way through Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount which is found in Matthew 5-7. This sermon was so controversial at the time, and flipped many of his listeners' worlds upside down. Christ’s bold Sermon on the Mount challenged his hearers to understand that God was seeking internal righteousness from them, not just external acts. This is only possible through God’s work to bring new life in us.
Mic Drop (Jonah 6 of 6)
At the end of the book of Jonah, we find a bit of an abrupt ending with God making a powerful statement to Jonah. In a moment of clarity, I think God finally gets his point across to Jonah and maybe, just maybe, to us too. 🎤
Now, Jonah... (Jonah 5 of 6)
Jonah: Nineveh, turn from your evil ways or be destroyed.
Ninevites: OK Jonah: 😡
God: Now, Jonah...
Join us as we continue on this journey with Jonah to discover the depths and mystery of God's mercy, sovereignty, and call upon each of our lives.
Heart of Warrior - Jody Brown
1 Timothy 1:18 Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.
In this sermon, Jody Brown walks us through who our enemy is and how to fight against it.
New Beginnings (Jonah 4 of 6)
David: The Servant
In our first message in this series, The Nobody, we found David, the forgotten, the least, the youngest, the unimportant one, being anointed by Samuel to be the next king of Israel. Here we find him as a servant. A great reminder that the path to Godly leadership always includes Godly service. Let's see what else we can learn from this passage of scripture and apply to our lives!
1 Samuel 16:14-23
Appointed (Jonah 3 of 6)
God: Get up and go to Nineveh
Jonah: Nope - 🏃♂️🚣♂️
God: 💨⛈🌪🌊
Jonah: 😴
Pagan Sailor: Get up!
Jonah: 😳
Sailors: Reluctantly throw Jonah overboard
God: 🐳
Join us as we continue on this journey with Jonah to discover the depths and mystery of God's mercy, sovereignty, and call upon each of our lives.
Faithlife Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/faithlife-podcast/id1490940433
Get up! (Jonah 2 of 6)
God: Get up and go to Nineveh
Jonah: Nope - 🏃♂️🚣♂️ God: 💨⛈🌪🌊
Jonah: 😴
Pagan Sailor: Get up!
Jonah: 😳
Join us as we continue on this journey with Jonah to discover the depths and mystery of God's mercy, sovereignty, and call upon each of our lives. Every storm has a purpose.
Nope (Jonah 1 of 6)
God: Jonah, arise and go to Nineveh.
Jonah: Nope.
Join us as we launch a new series taking a journey through the book of Jonah. Spend the first few months of 2020 with us as we dig deeper into understanding the depth and mystery of God's mercy, sovereignty, and his call upon each of our lives.