Identity Crisis - Following God into the Unknown (8)

The Israelites were out of Egypt, but was Egypt out of them? Did they see themselves as chosen for a purpose, or still slaves? How do we see ourselves? What is our identity in Christ? What identity does our life reflect? They were liberated from a place, and now God begins to liberate them from a mindset; something we all need!!

Your Victory Song - Following God into the Unknown (7)

Immediately following God's deliverance from the Egyptian army through the Red Sea, Moses breaks out in song. Miriam breaks out her tambourine and starts dancing. This victory, in this moment, gave them confidence in God that he would fulfill their purpose and His promise. Join us tomorrow morning for this message about the importance of acknowledging and celebrating what God has done for us! Exodus 15

Overcoming Failure - Following God into the Unknown (4)

Moses, full of doubt and fear, eventually gives into God's direction only to find himself facing complete failure and his worst fears playing out. From Exodus chapters 4-6 we see how following God into the Unknown means there will be times when it feels like all is a loss, but God's promises never fall void which means we have every reason in the world to not throw in the towel.