Guest Speaker, Michael Clark - On Mission Series (7)
Michael Clark shared about God doing a new thing in his and Wendy's life and their call to plant a church in the city of Whitesburg.
Church Planting - On Mission Series (6)
In this sermon, we look at how making disciples always turns into new expressions of God at work and how church planting is inevitable in a healthy church. We'll look at the need for church planting in our region, address some common objections to church planting, and then see some biblical foundations for church planting. Don't miss it as we cast some vision for the future of New Beginnings and eastern Kentucky!
Going Outside (Part 2) - On Mission Series (5)
In Hebrews 13, we're reminded that Jesus went outside the camp and has invited us to go with him, to bear his disgrace with Him. Part 1 was about how we can go outside and share the gospel through our words. This second sermon in the Going Outside series, looks at how we can go outside just the same with our actions through compassionate service to our neighbor.
Going Outside (Part 1) - On Mission Series (4)
In Hebrews 13, we're reminded that Jesus went outside the camp and has invited us to go with him, to bear his disgrace with Him. As an example, in Luke 8:26-39, Jesus took his disciples on a boat ride, through a storm, just to speak to one demon-possessed man. In this sermon, we learn what it means to Go Outside for Jesus.
The Risk of Distraction - On Mission Series (3)
In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus encounters three people who are interested in following Him. In this sermon, Pastor Jared looks at 3 things that often distract us from following Jesus: Comfort, Commitments, and Control.
Focus in the Midst of Chaos - On Mission (2)
Paul writes to the church in Corinth sharing his fatigue, criticisms, and pain that have come along with following Christ. He shares encouraging words with them: We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. How do we focus in the midst of troubles and chaos? We have to look for the Unseen.
Therefore, Go - On Mission Series Kickoff
What's the purpose of the church? What's our mission? What's the purpose and mission of each individual believer? Is God on a mission? As a kickoff to our series called "On Mission", Pastor Jared walks us through the great commission and what it means to be On Mission as a community of believers in this message entitled, Therefore, Go.
What Counts - Galatians (Part 9)
For the last few verses of Galatians, after dictating a majority of the letter to a scribe, Paul takes the pen into his own hand and writes with bold letters to emphasize his message of freedom through Christ to the church at Galatia. We find extreme clarity from Paul about what counts in life.
Anything Good - Guest Speaker Connor Hall - Galatians 6 (Part 8)
Your Victory Walk (Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control) - Galatians (Part 7)
Paul lists the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-26. He tells us that when we've put our faith in Jesus and been born again by the power of the Holy Spirit we have found victory in Jesus. As we walk in the Spirit, with victory in hand, our life should begin to look different: we should bear a different kind of fruit from before. Not by struggling and striving, but by the power of the Holy Spirit it gradually and certainly appears.
Your Victory Walk (Patience, Kindness, & Goodness) - Galatians (Part 6)
Paul lists the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-26. He tells us that when we've put our faith in Jesus and been born again by the power of the Holy Spirit we have found victory in Jesus. As we walk in the Spirit, with victory in hand, our life should begin to look different: we should bear a different kind of fruit from before. Not by struggling and striving, but by the power of the Holy Spirit it gradually and certainly appears.
Your Victory Walk (Love, Joy, & Peace) - Galatians (Part 5)
Paul lists the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-26. He tells us that when we've put our faith in Jesus and been born again by the power of the Holy Spirit we have found victory in Jesus. As we walk in the Spirit, with victory in hand, our life should begin to look different: we should bear a different kind of fruit from before. Not by struggling and striving, but by the power of the Holy Spirit it gradually and certainly appears.
Winning the War Within - Galatians (Part 4)
Paul tells the church at Galatia that there is a war inside of them. between the flesh and the spirit and gives clear direction on how to win the war. HINT: It's not as much about effort as it is FOCUS. If you struggle with impure thoughts, anger, jealousy, addiction, selfishness, greed, negativity, divisiveness, or other evil desires listed in Galatians 5:19-21 then join us as Pastor Jared walks through Paul's instructions on how to win the war within. Galatians 5:1-6; 13-26.
Freedom - Adam Collins - Galatians (Part 3)
In Galatians 3, Paul tells the people of Galatia the difference in living by the law and living through the grace of Jesus Christ. Join us in-person or online at 11 this morning.
I Was One Way - Galatians (Freedom Through Christ) Series (2)
Paul establishes his credibility, by sharing his personal testimony of how an encounter with Jesus completely changed him and therefore changed things around him. In this sermon, you'll be challenged to understand your own testimony and pursue wholeheartedly Christ's ability to change the things in your life you believe are unchangeable.
Rescued - Galatians (Freedom Through Christ) Series (1)
Join us as we kick off a new series taking a journey through the book of Galatians. The church community highlighted in this book had traded the simplicity of the gospel for a false message of works. Throughout this series, we will learn how the simple message of the gospel can cause huge transformations in the lives of people: a life of walking in the Spirit results in loving ourselves and others well.
One True God - Generation Now (Part 4)
Paul walked through the city of Athens for the first time and was deeply troubled; he was angered and grieved over a city full of idols. If we walked through our city with a fresh set of eyes, how would we see it? In this sermon, we learn from Paul how to respond when we see a culture that is missing the One True God.
Wisdom for a Generation - Generation Now (Part 4)
It's Graduation Sunday and as we celebrate with all those in our student ministry moving into a new season, Pastor Jared will be sharing biblical Wisdom for a Generation.
The Heart of a Generation - Jared Arnett - Generation Now (Part 3)
Don't miss Part 3 of our Generation Now Series as Pastor Jared brings a message about the Heart of a Generation from Acts 11:19-23. If we want this generation to find grace, we'll have to show it to them by worrying less about whether they look like Christians, and more about sharing the good news with them. Maybe the way to transform a generation, or a community, is to allow the Grace of God to do it one heart at a time.