Finding Hope (Christmas)

The Magi: Finding Hope (4)

In our final sermon in our Christmas series, Finding Hope, we'll look at the story of the Magi from Matthew 2:1-12. We'll find here that when they found Jesus, they gave more than just gifts. These unlikely worshippers traveled an unimaginable distance to bow at the feet of a young Jesus. Join us as we look at this great example of how we should worship Him!

Elizabeth & Zacharias: Finding Hope (3)

When you find real Hope, you learn some things. In this sermon, we look at the story of Elizabeth and Zacharias the couple who against all odds received divine news that they would become parents at an old age. Elizabeth is the relative Mary visits after finding out from the Angel Gabriel she would soon be giving birth to Jesus. Join us for the third sermon in our 2020 Christmas series, Finding Hope!

Finding Hope - Living by Faith (9)

In the first of our 2020 Christmas series, entitled Finding Hope, we'll use Romans 5 as our launching pad. In these verses, Paul addresses the benefits of our faith. Reflecting on the advent season, we'll see that these benefits include Peace, Joy, Love, and the focus of our series, Hope. Join us as we apply Romans 5:1-5 to our lives and find hope in hopeless situations!