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Who's on the Guest List? - Jared Arnett - The Table Series (3 of 4)

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Join us at our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) and The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at, or mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders, and show compassion for our neighbors.

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Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.

Find New Beginnings Facebook Page at New Beginnings

Join our Facebook Community Group at

NEW BEGINNINGS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 116 Main Street, Pikeville, KY, 41501, United States, (606) 727-21004

Mailing Address: New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502


Audio Podcast theme music “Positive Way” is a royalty-free track written by Roman Senyk and provided by"

“Easter Resurrection,” which appears on the audio version, is a royalty-free track written by Anastasia Chubarova and provided by

Video Podcast theme music "Faith & Motivation" is a royalty-free track provided courtesy of WaveMaster via

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY. ©2025 All rights reserved

A Place for Healing and Forgiveness - Jared Arnett - The Table Series (2 of 4)

Thinking he had the rabbi to himself, Simon placed himself in a seat as a judge. Across from him, Jesus reclined, eating dinner in the home of the Pharisee, and then the unexpected happened. What should have been a moment for merciful hospitality turned into the birth of eternity as the woman who had committed many sins was granted the forgiveness of God. Hello, and welcome to the Faithlife Podcast. In this episode, Pastor Jared Arnett continues The Table series, speaking on Jesus’s encounter with a Pharisee and a woman of ill repute.

The Heart of Hospitality - Jared Arnett - The Table Series (Part 1)

They were not the people that society clung to. They were not the civic leaders nor those who taught. They were gritty, dirty, hated, and unclean; by society's standards, they were primarily dead last. Yet, Jesus chose to touch them and embrace them. He called them daughter, friend, and by name. He attended their parties. He made room for them at His table, just as He has done for us. Hello, and welcome to another episode of Faithlife Podcast. Join us now for a message from Pastor Jared Arnett about the compassion of Jesus, who was always the perfect host. This is the first sermon in the series The Table. With a message entitled The Heart of Hospitality, here's Pastor Jared.

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Join us at our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) and The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at, or mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders, and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request:

Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.

Find New Beginnings Facebook Page at New Beginnings

Join our Facebook Community Group at

NEW BEGINNINGS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 116 Main Street, Pikeville, KY, 41501, United States, (606) 727-21004

Mailing Address: New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502


Audio Podcast theme music “Positive Way” is a royalty-free track provided by Roman Senyk and downloaded from"

Video Podcast theme music "Faith & Motivation" is a royalty-free track provided courtesy of WaveMaster via

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY. ©2025 All rights reserved

Tychicus Who? - Jared Arnett - CounterCulture Series Part 7 (Conclusion)

Set up to plant a new church that was alive and thriving, Paul apparently did not intend Timothy to stay on the Isle of Create permanently. Enter a man who didn’t possess a social media presence, a huge following, nor was well known in church history. Tychicus may have been trained to pastor at the Church in Crete. Like many who serve the Church without being widely known, Tychicus doesn’t have a book named after him or any significant passages about his services to Christ in Crete, yet God had a purpose for him and every member of His Church. With the seventh and final message of the series Counter Culture, pastor Jared Arnett takes a deep dive into the personal lives of every Christian. What are we seeking? With a sermon titled Tychicus, here’s Pastor Jared.

Connect with Us

Attend In Person:

Join us at our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) and The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at, or mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders, and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request:

Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.

Find New Beginnings Facebook Page at New Beginnings

Join our Facebook Community Group at

NEW BEGINNINGS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 116 Main Street, Pikeville, KY, 41501, United States, (606) 727-21004

Mailing Address: New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502


Audio Podcast theme music “Positive Way” is a royalty-free track provided by Roman Senyk and downloaded from"

Video Podcast theme music "Faith & Motivation" is a royalty-free track provided courtesy of WaveMaster via

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY. ©2025 All rights reserved.

A Different World - Pastor Jared Arnett - CounterCulture Series Part 6

When Titus stepped off the boat on the Isle of Crete, he walked into a broken, messed-up world. Paul sent him there to plant a church, but not just any church. Paul taught Titus that the church was far more about relationships than religion. The church he planted was to look like Jesus. It was there to change the surrounding city, one soul at a time. Hello, and welcome to another episode of FaithLife Podcast. In this installment, Pastor Jared Arnett delivers the sixth and final message of the Counter Culture series. With a sermon titled A Different World, here's Pastor Jared.

The Place of Grace Jared Arnett Counter Culture Series Part 5

Grace what is it and how should we look at it. Grace is defined as receiving something we do not deserve. Salvation from our sins is the epitome of God’s mercy, eternal life with Him is the quintessence of His grace. Hello and welcome to Faithlife. In this episode Pastor Jared Arnett reveals more of Paul’s letter to his young apprentice in the book of Titus. With a message titled The Place of Grace, Pastor Jared divulges the truth of the presence God’s grace, inside the walls of the church, in our homes, and in day to day exchanges of our lives.

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Join us at our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) and The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at, or mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders, and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request:

Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.

Find New Beginnings Facebook Page at New Beginnings

Join our Facebook Community Group at

NEW BEGINNINGS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 116 Main Street, Pikeville, KY, 41501, United States, (606) 727-21004

Mailing Address: New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502


Audio Podcast theme music “Positive Way” is a royalty-free track provided by Roman Senyk and downloaded from"

Video Podcast theme music "Faith & Motivation" is a royalty-free track provided courtesy of WaveMaster via

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.

©2025 All rights reserved

Leading Generationally - Jared Arnett - Counter Culture Series - Part 4

Commissioned to serve as Pastor of a burgeoning church, Titus has received a letter from the Apostle Paul with instructions on promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a young pastor, Titus was asked to establish decisively different stewardship inside the Bride of Christ, one that shines the light in a culture of darkness but also spans every generation inside the church's walls. Hello, and welcome to another episode of FaithLife. This is the fourth sermon in the series Counter Culture. Pastor Jared Arnett leads us into Titus Chapter with a sermon titled Leading Generationally. This is Faithlife.

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Attend In Person:

Join us at our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) and The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at or you mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request:

Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.

Find New Beginnings Facebook Page at New Beginnings

Join our Facebook Community Group at

NEW BEGINNINGS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 116 Main Street, Pikeville, KY, 41501, United States, (606) 727-21004

Mailing Address: New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502


Audio Podcast theme music “Positive Way” is a royalty free track provided by Roman Senyk and downloaded from"

Video Podcast theme music "Faith & Motivation" is a royalty free track provided courtesy of WaveMaster via

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.

©2025 All rights reserved

A Different Church: Fellowship - Jared Arnett - CounterCulture Series (3)

When the church looks good on the outside but is a mess or falling apart inside, it will have little value inside its doors or in the community. When asked about certain traditions, Jesus told the religious leaders that their traditions honored God with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him. Hello. Welcome to Faithlife Podcast. You are joining us for the third sermon of the series Counter Culture. In this episode, Pastor Jared Arnett sets the background of where the people and church of Crete were. We are in the Book of Titus, where Paul instructs Titus to expose those teaching false doctrine, to expose them, to correct them, to teach and encourage them in the truth, and to reject old Jewish traditions.

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Attend In Person:

Join our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) & The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at or you mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request: Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.


New Beginnings Facebook Page: New Beginnings

Facebook Community Group:

Theme music "Faith & Motivation" is provided courtesy of WaveMaster via


116 Main Street

Pikeville, KY, 41501

United States

(606) 727-21004

Mailing Address

PO Box 1398

Pikeville, KY 41502

Email address:


Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.

©2025 All rights reserved

A Different Church: Leadership - Pastor Jared Arnett - Counter Culture Series Pt. 2

Connect with Us

Attend In Person:

Join our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) & The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at or you mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request: Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.


New Beginnings Facebook Page: New Beginnings

Facebook Community Group:

Theme music "Faith & Motivation" is provided courtesy of WaveMaster via


116 Main Street

Pikeville, KY, 41501

United States

(606) 727-21004

Mailing Address

PO Box 1398

Pikeville, KY 41502

Email address:


Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.

©2025 All rights reserved

Living Truth - Jared Arnett - Counter Culture Series (1 of 8)

Liars, cheaters, the corrupt, the evil, and the vile surrounded the young pastor. What was he to do? Run and build a sanctuary for the saved, or pull up his sleeves and imitate his savior? Hello, and welcome to another episode of FaithLife. In this first sermon of a new series called Counter Culture, Pastor Jared Arnett begins with an outline of what it means to be a church. Speaking on planting Christ's church in Crete, Pastor Jared explains how the Apostle Paul intentionally left Titus in an atmosphere much like today's.

Connect with Us

Attend In Person:

Join us at our services at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.


9:00 AM - Coffee and Fellowship

9:15 AM - 1st Worship Service & NB Kids (Nursery- 4th)

10:30 AM – Coffee and Fellowship

11:00 AM – 2nd Worship Service and NB Kids (Nursery - 4th)

If you cannot attend or are homebound, join us online at 11 AM at, on Facebook, or on our YouTube channel - Faithlife Podcast

We have a thriving teen and children's ministry on Wednesday nights at 6 PM.

The MIX Kids (K-6th) and The Huddle Students (7th-12th) Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Help us continue to reach people for Christ. Give online at or you mail your donation to New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502

Your donation allows us to spread the good news of Jesus, equip believers to become leaders and show compassion for our neighbors.

Share Your Testimony or Prayer Request:

Has God used this ministry in your life? Share your story or submit a prayer request via our website,

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to help spread the message of God's love and truth. #faithlife

Like, share, and subscribe to our podcast.

Find New Beginnings Facebook Page at New Beginnings

Join our Facebook Community Group at

NEW BEGINNINGS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, 116 Main Street, Pikeville, KY, 41501, United States, (606) 727-21004

Mailing Address: New Beginnings Fellowship Church, PO Box 1398, Pikeville, KY 41502


Audio Podcast theme music “Positive Way” is a royalty free track provided by Roman Senyk and downloaded from"

Video Podcast theme music "Faith & Motivation" is a royalty free track provided courtesy of WaveMaster via

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.

©2025 All rights reserved.