
In the Wilderness - Jared Arnett - God With Us Christmas Series (2 of 4)

Every person will eventually face situations or circumstances with insufferable longevity, a trial that wears us to the bone mentally, physically, and especially spiritually. This is not a storm in life but a grueling, agonizing, unbearable walk into a spiritual wilderness. Elijah was a man like us, but the bible tells us that he ran from a mountaintop experience that led him into the wilderness. Elijah met God there, not in the cacophony of chaos, but in tender, caring ways and in the still, small voice. In this episode, Pastor Jared Arnett continues our series, God With Us, with a sermon titled “In the Wilderness.” If you feel like you are in the wilderness, please take time to absorb this message as Pastor Jared tells us how to find God in the Spiritual Wilderness.

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#NewBeginningsFellowship #Sermon #GodSpeaks #ExperiencingGod #PastorJaredArnett #ChristianPodcast #FaithJourney #PikevilleKY

Sermons are sourced from New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Pikeville, KY.

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Theme music "Faith & Motivation" provided courtesy of WaveMaster via Pixabay.com