Living by Faith (Romans)

Wrecked, Part 2 - Living by Faith (18)

After making it clear that God's mercy had wrecked his heart for his fellow people, Paul addresses the fact that there are times in life where life circumstances don't make sense. In Part 1, we saw how God's mercy should wreck our hearts, and here in Part 2, we address our greatest fears that surface when life's circumstances appear to be completely wrecked.

Wrecked - Living by Faith (17)

Paul shares his great sorrow and unceasing anguish for his people. For those who did not know and had not accepted the truth of Jesus as the Messiah. When God interrupted Saul's (Paul) life on the road to Damascus, he was never the same and we see the lingering evidence here in his heart for the lost. In this sermon, we'll understand what it means to be wrecked for the lost. Romans 9:1-5

More than Conquerors, Part 3 (New Assurance) - Living by Faith (16)

Romans 8:28-39 contains amazing assurances for the believer. Reminders that our strength, our hope, and our assurance are only found in the work of Christ and the cross. Once and for all Paul tells the church at Rome that in Christ, they are more than conquerors against anything that might come against them. Here we'll learn how we should respond to these truths.

Being Transformed - Living by Faith (12)

Shall we go on sinning that grace may increase? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By No Means! In Romans 6:1-23 Paul makes it clear that we've not only been saved from the penalty of sin but also from the POWER of it. He gives clear direction that with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are actively "being transformed."

Finding Hope - Living by Faith (9)

In the first of our 2020 Christmas series, entitled Finding Hope, we'll use Romans 5 as our launching pad. In these verses, Paul addresses the benefits of our faith. Reflecting on the advent season, we'll see that these benefits include Peace, Joy, Love, and the focus of our series, Hope. Join us as we apply Romans 5:1-5 to our lives and find hope in hopeless situations!

Impossible - Living by Faith (8)

Paul begins to provide evidence about the importance of faith to his Jewish readers based on the life of Abraham. He says Abraham was a man who against all hope, believed in hope because of his belief it was counted as righteousness. Join us as we apply Romans 4 to our lives and take lessons from Abraham on how to have hope in impossible situations!

Responding to God's Kindness, Part 2 - Living by Faith (5)

After looking at the wrong way to respond to God's kindness, we'll look at the right way. In verse Romans 2:6 we find that we will all get a payday someday. When we respond with repentance to God's kindness we come with a heart of gratitude that leads to doing good. Join us as we look at the approach, ambition, and award of doing good.