When you find real Hope, you learn some things. In this sermon, we look at the story of Elizabeth and Zacharias the couple who against all odds received divine news that they would become parents at an old age. Elizabeth is the relative Mary visits after finding out from the Angel Gabriel she would soon be giving birth to Jesus. Join us for the third sermon in our 2020 Christmas series, Finding Hope!
Joseph: Finding Hope (2)
When you find real Hope, things change. In this sermon, we look at the story of Joseph hearing from the Angel about the forthcoming birth of Jesus, and break down all the things that change when he finds Hope. Join us for the second sermon in our Christmas series, Finding Hope!
Finding Hope - Living by Faith (9)
In the first of our 2020 Christmas series, entitled Finding Hope, we'll use Romans 5 as our launching pad. In these verses, Paul addresses the benefits of our faith. Reflecting on the advent season, we'll see that these benefits include Peace, Joy, Love, and the focus of our series, Hope. Join us as we apply Romans 5:1-5 to our lives and find hope in hopeless situations!
Impossible - Living by Faith (8)
Paul begins to provide evidence about the importance of faith to his Jewish readers based on the life of Abraham. He says Abraham was a man who against all hope, believed in hope because of his belief it was counted as righteousness. Join us as we apply Romans 4 to our lives and take lessons from Abraham on how to have hope in impossible situations!
Turning Point - Living by Faith (7)
We're at a turning point in the letter to the Romans, talking about a turning point in the history of mankind, and representing a potential turning point for every listener. Join us as we apply Romans 3:21-31 to our lives!
Responding to God's Kindness, Part 2 - Living by Faith (5)
After looking at the wrong way to respond to God's kindness, we'll look at the right way. In verse Romans 2:6 we find that we will all get a payday someday. When we respond with repentance to God's kindness we come with a heart of gratitude that leads to doing good. Join us as we look at the approach, ambition, and award of doing good.
Responding to God's Kindness, Part 1 - Living by Faith (4)
In Romans 2:1-5 we find Paul directly addressing the self-righteous, hypocrites in the church at Rome. Pointing out the intended response to God's kindness and how they've totally missed the point. In part 1 of this 2 part series, we'll look at how to avoid the wrong way to respond to God's kindness.
Broken - Living by Faith (3)
In Romans 1:18-32, Paul lays out clearly the state of humanity and our broken relationship with our creator. He knew, that for us to truly seek out Jesus Christ as our savior, we must fully understand our state of despair.
Priorities - Living by Faith (2)
What does living by faith look like? We get a glimpse here from Paul's priorities about 4 things we can do when we don't know what else to do. Romans 1:8-17
Paul, a Servant - Jared Arnett - Living by Faith (1)
Join us, as we kick-off a deep-dive into the book of Romans in a new series called Living By Faith. Romans 1:1-7
Be Changed - Miracles of Jesus Series (1)
While on a mission to save the world, Jesus took the time to enjoy life and connect with people. This story about Jesus' first miracle teaches us a lot about who Jesus is and how only He has the power to change us!
John 2:1-11
Watch Yourself - Hold Fast Series (3)
We're reminded in John's letter that there are deceivers who are working every day to distract us from the truth. If there's one thing we need to hold onto in life, it's the truth (Jesus Christ). We'll look at practical ways we can do our part to protect the Truth.
Love One Another - Hold Fast Series (2)
In a world where we show our love with emojis and heart reactions, how do we make sure we're really living up to loving one another? We will find out what real love is, why it's critical, and ways to make sure we're doing more than double-clicking and moving on.
Walking in Truth - Hold Fast Series (1)
We hold many things dear, but in the culture of today, there should be nothing dearer to us than Truth. In an era of assault on truth, turn with us to 2 John to find out what it means to Walk in Truth.
Identity Crisis - Following God into the Unknown (8)
The Israelites were out of Egypt, but was Egypt out of them? Did they see themselves as chosen for a purpose, or still slaves? How do we see ourselves? What is our identity in Christ? What identity does our life reflect? They were liberated from a place, and now God begins to liberate them from a mindset; something we all need!!
Your Victory Song - Following God into the Unknown (7)
Immediately following God's deliverance from the Egyptian army through the Red Sea, Moses breaks out in song. Miriam breaks out her tambourine and starts dancing. This victory, in this moment, gave them confidence in God that he would fulfill their purpose and His promise. Join us tomorrow morning for this message about the importance of acknowledging and celebrating what God has done for us! Exodus 15
God's Way > Our Way - Following God into the Unknown (6)
The Real GOAT - Following God into the Unknown (5)
God goes toe-to-toe with Pharaoh and the people of Egypt challenging their Gods and their perceived power and influence to rescue His people from slavery. While Pharaoh was convinced he was the most powerful man on the planet and that he was the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT), he was about to be introduced by Moses to "I Am". Exodus 7-12
Overcoming Failure - Following God into the Unknown (4)
Moses, full of doubt and fear, eventually gives into God's direction only to find himself facing complete failure and his worst fears playing out. From Exodus chapters 4-6 we see how following God into the Unknown means there will be times when it feels like all is a loss, but God's promises never fall void which means we have every reason in the world to not throw in the towel.
Humbled - Following God into the Unknown (3)
From the Palace to the Wilderness, Moses has gone from a life of luxury, to the life of a nomad and shepherd. In being prepared for God's call on his life, he was being taught that it didn't matter who he was. We find in this message that Following God into the Unknown requires complete humility. Exodus 2:16-3:21